
Solfege is the essential starting point to singing Gregorian chant. Through solfege, the chant student learns the names and relationships of the notes employed by Gregorian chant. Just as a child learns the letters of the alphabet in order to identify vocabulary, the chant student must be thoroughly versed in solfege in order to properly sing even the simplest chant melodies.

A Note on Congregational Singing

Schola Cantorum Sanctæ Crucis

The Schola Cantorum Sanctæ Crucis (in Latin, School of Singers of the Holy Cross) is open to men and boys whose voices have changed. The schola is responsible for preparing a considerable amount of music for about 100 High Masses annually; therefore, proficiency in reading traditional Gregorian notation is indispensable.

The schola sings every Sunday for the 11:00 AM High Mass at St. Edward the Confessor church, plus First Fridays and other occasional weeknight and Saturday High Masses. Classes are held every Wednesday 6:30 – 8:00 PM in the choir loft at Mater Misericordiæ church. Prospective members are invited to attend a rehearsal before making any commitment. Warm-up is usually 20 minutes before Mass.

Mixed Choir

The mixed choir is open to adults and adolescents/teenagers. Admission depends upon balance among voice parts (sections) and individual vocal quality and ability to match pitch as determined by a brief placement audition.

This choir typically sings two or three Sundays a month for the 11:00 AM High Mass at St. Edward the Confessor plus additional holy days and special occasions throughout the year at both churches. Rehearsals are held every Tuesday 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM in the choir loft at Mater Misericordiæ, with sectional rehearsals 30 minutes before (women- treble schola) and after (men).

Coro en Español

El Coro en Español  esta bajo la dirección de Javier Sánchez ( y canta para la Misa Rezada de la 1:00 PM en San Eduardo. Los ensayos se llevan a cabo una vez por semana. 

Children’s Choir

The children’s choir is open to all children from third grade until adolescence. Younger children may participate if they can already read well. There is no audition and no requirement of prior musical experience. Girls are welcome to continue singing with the children’s choir into their teenage years, especially if they have younger siblings in the choir. Boys whose voices have already changed may not sing in the children’s choir. They are encouraged to audition for the mixed choir, sing with the men’s schola, or both.

The children’s choir normally sings for the 9:00 AM Chant Mass on the third Sunday of the month at St. Edward the Confessor. Rehearsals are held during the school year on Fridays from 5:30 PM – 6:15 PM in the hall at Mater Misericordiae except on First Fridays and other Fridays with an evening High Mass.

Chorus Choralis

The chorus choralis or chant choir is an informal group of the faithful who sit together at the 9:00 AM Chant Mass to encourage congregational singing. It is NOT a trained schola cantorum and there are no audition, registration, rehearsal, or availability requirements other than the willingness to sing the congregational chants with enthusiasm. Simply pick up a bulletin on your way into the church so that you know what chants are being sung, sit in the choir area at the back of the church, and stand when singing. This opportunity is open to all ages and musical backgrounds, and the repertory is confined to a mere 22 chants that anyone is capable of learning through repetition. 

Congregational Chant Recordings

*All page numbers refer to the St. Edmund Campion Missal & Hymnal.

Advent & Lenten Sundays


Sundays After Epiphany & Pentecost


Masses for the Dead

The entire Requiem Mass recorded at Mater Misericordiæ is available on  YouTube.

Additional Information

Our parish has been blessed with a vibrant musical program,
coordinated by our accomplished choirmaster and organist Mr. Patrick Williams.

If you are interested in joining a choir, please email